Back from the UK

I left last Monday for a business trip to the UK. I first went to Edinburgh for two days, then took a train down to Oxford for another two days. I have decided that, just going to the UK, that we are going to have to go back perhaps two or three times to "do it all".
I have large ambitions for a future Petrone family vacation. For one, we are going to go to the Outer Hebrides in the Scottish highlands during the future Petrone family vacation, especially the Isle of Lewis where something like 75 percent of the people speak Gaelic.
Also, we are going back to Oxford -- where I just was -- and doing our research before we go so we can take in all the history, most of it I just happened to walk by with my knapsack.
Other places to see include Cornwall and Northumbria and then there's Wales. I can just imagine Epp and I and our two daughters with their heads poking out of the windows of the car as we make our way through the English countryside munching on sandwiches of cheddar and other good English stuff on our way to Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk to visit its interesting sugar beet factory. Can you just see it? With me driving on the opposite side of the road? Good thing I have got years to practice (and save) for that one.
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