Marta's New School
Today was Marta's third day of lasteaed or kindergarten and the first day she made it through naptime. Marta goes to school by sleigh because it's the fastest way to get there. Here's a photo of Epp and Marta outside the school:

Before going inside, you need to park your sleigh next to the other kids' sleighs in the shed next to the school. Marta's is the one on the far left:

Marta is a very social person and funny too. I haven't seen it in person yet, but I think she is already winning friends:

Each kid in lasteaed has their own pissipot for when nature calls:

They also have their own lockers to keep their winter warm stuff. Marta's has an apple on it. The teachers originally put Maria Marta by mistake, but now it has been corrected to show her real name:

Before going inside, you need to park your sleigh next to the other kids' sleighs in the shed next to the school. Marta's is the one on the far left:

Marta is a very social person and funny too. I haven't seen it in person yet, but I think she is already winning friends:

Each kid in lasteaed has their own pissipot for when nature calls:

They also have their own lockers to keep their winter warm stuff. Marta's has an apple on it. The teachers originally put Maria Marta by mistake, but now it has been corrected to show her real name:

awwww you guys!!! well so glad you got there in one piece - and, Giustino - you sound happy! hope that's true. the school looks fab, I'm sure she'll have a great time. And the potty pic is priceless - would have never imagined them come in so many colors... you should get that posted somewhere. Big hugs to you 3...
The potty photo is priceless
Where did they get all those colors???
Dad wants to know who washes them
and do they use hot water & bleach?
They do have indoor plumbing right?
...only kidding Epp...
Yes, indoor plumbing is ok ;)
I think they use water and soap ;)
They have special hours when all the kids are seated to the pottys. After the naptime, maybe after the lunch. There are kids 1,5-3 years old, these "group potty moments" help the younger ones to get into the habit. If somebody has pooped or peed, teachers and other kids would applaud (I dont know if its true but someone told me, we are not there when they do their stuff).
Older ones (like Marta) of course know how to ask when the nature calls.
Epp, ma näen seda lasteaeda töö juures aknast! Aga teise külje pealt. Tükk aega mõtlesin, et väga tuttav maja.
Astu meie poole sisse, väike kohv ja saiake?
Hey! Wow, that little school looks so good!!! :'( I'm really jealous!!! I'm not about to post pictures of what the surroundings of Paul's day care look like, you've seen that backyard...
I took a potty over there for him last week too, because he couldn't quite reach over the big one yet and I wasn't comfortable with the idea of all the kids using the same one... That picture is awesome, the one of the sleds as well!
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