I'm a girl factory

Last week Epp had to go to the hospital, or, more specifically, the women's clinic to rest. Without going into all the details, she needed to get off her feet for awhile. But during her stay they did an ultrasound and it turns out that there is a 95 percent chance we are having another little girl.
This is good for several reasons. The first is that we have boxes and boxes and boxes of barely used baby girl clothing. We also have femininely-inclined toys, princess castles, DVDs, and a very doting grandmother who likes to buy pink things.
Also good is that this also works with our family dynamic of having all the females in my life dump their estrogen-induced fury on me when they feel like it. Because I am accustomed to this, what's one more female in my life crying at the same time as all the others?
Third, perhaps most beneficial, is that I make a pretty lousy male role model. I don't watch organized sports, I'm not that handy with a drill, I can't take a car apart and put it back together, hell, I haven't tied a tie in awhile, and I am not sure if I could if I had to do it right now. In other words, I have no skills to pass on. If we had a son, it's highly likely that he would have a better grip on fixing household appliances than I would. Now, I can write songs and I am a talented writer and journalist. But if your car breaks down, you can't sing it back to life again.
Which leads me to think, are we given children of certain genders for certain reasons? Do certain dads get sons because they have skills to pass on, while other dads get daughters because they are better at dealing with estrogen-induced fury? Maybe so.
Anyway, I can officially stop banging my head against the wall now. This girl will be called Anna.
(Which leads me to think, are we given children of certain genders for certain reasons? Do certain dads get sons because they have skills to pass on, while other dads get daughters because they are better at dealing with estrogen-induced fury? Maybe so.)
We have only son's.... have you acquired any testosterone related skills?
If your theory were true you should
be able to figure out what is wrong with the car or how to tie that tie....
I don't know. I know guys with sons that say they wouldn't know what to do with a daughter, which I find surprising because I obviously like having a daughter :)
My boyfriend is the same type of person as you. We were a little worried to have a babyboy, because I know more thing about cars than a future father.. Well, we will have a girl also!
In Italy all fathers go on sundays to play foorball with sons... my boyfriend has NEVER done any sport... Would have been hard for a boy with a father like this :)
And we had the same name problem also.. As I have decided for a estonian name or at least internatiuonal, not italian, it would have been very hard as italians translate all the names.
For example martin becomes martino, aleksander- alessandro, karl-carlo, artur - arturo, kristian-cristiano, mihkel-michele etc etc. And I already hate when they try to translate my name Mari ( means fruit in estonian, not vergin Maarja) and the try to call me maria or mary..
Now I have found nice link with old estonian names and my boyfriends really liked Kaja ( like album of Bob marley.. with a certain meaning.. ) :) But she is not going to be called like that...
In Italy all fathers go on sundays to play foorball with sons... my boyfriend has NEVER done any sport... Would have been hard for a boy with a father like this :)
It's kind of dumb that being a man is defined by liking certain sports or foods. I mean I have no problem watching skiing, but the Super Bowl? Zzzzzz. Boring.
And we had the same name problem also.. As I have decided for a estonian name or at least internatiuonal, not italian, it would have been very hard as italians translate all the names.
Yeah, I decided after awhile that the kid would have my last name, so it makes sense to give it an Estonian first name. Fair is fair.
I always felt very strongly about Marta's name, and I think it took Epp some time to get used to at first. With Anna it has been the opposite. Epp felt strongly and I have gotten used to it. But I'd rather trust her intuition here, as I don't have any other name I like that much.
Both names suit us because they are basic and timeless. I have met a lot of inappropriately named people in my life - large, unattractive females with glamorous "movie star" names, ambiguous guys with very masculine names. It makes sense to give the kid one that doesn't define them, but rather, they can define for themselves.
My favorite Estonian names are Kusti and Reet :)
Anna is a good name because she can be Annabella in this Italian family....
Marta is Pooka bella at times
I'm nowhere close to a situation where I might have kids soon .. but for some reason, I've always wanted a daughter. Which probably means that I'll never have one :D .. I can only hope to be a girl factory too. Or develop a sudden liking for little boys, if/when the time comes.
Not that that is actually up to me, as contrary to popular belief, it's the woman who "picks" the child's gender, not the man - yeah, guys have the chromosome differences, but it's the female body that "discriminates" towards one gender or another, as male and female sperm cells have different prefered levels of acid values, and some women have more or less-than-usual acid levels in/on their mucosa, which will favour one type of sperm or the other favourably.
If that is in any way a relief, or purely gross, I honestly don't know. :D
My parents were expecting a girl when I was born...but that was ultrasound of the 80s.
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