Brown-Haired Girl

From most of the photos you have probably seen of Marta, you\d think her to be a dirty blonde kind of kid with big blue eyes. You know, your archetypal Northern European. And I have to say it makes me feel kind of weird knowing that all of my children will probably have blue eyes. My mom has blue eyes, my father's mom has them, and I think nearly every person Epp is related to has them. It's not that all of you blue-eyed people aren't very beautiful, but I just feel like you are in a different club. The blue/eyed club. The "I need my sunglasses whenever I am outside" club. To me, blue/eyed people are just different. They are the type of people who think Peter Gabriel is a good dancer. Catch my drift?
So I was a little worried that I would be the odd man out in a family of kids that look like the children from The Sound of Music. But I am having my genetic revenge. I noticed this morning that Marta's hair that is growing in is darker brown, and perhaps this is a symbol that in future family portraits I won't be the outstanding gorilla with the five o'clock shadow and dark brown hair.
By the way you can do your own genetic calculations at this nifty website.
I guess its an instinctive fear... one would say, genetically built in instinct.
You want to see your genes in your offspring.
And you want to be sure it is your daughter.
...Because that`s why you are in this earth. To pass the life (and your genes) on.
Genetic heritage is not the only most important thing but it does matter, want it or not.
You are so handsome Justin... You look like a Gap cover ad.
Even with a 2 day beard
I think we feel much the same way When we were together with just Dad .. I felt like I was the odd one...
Sometimes I feel you look more like my sister Mary's child then mine.
Marta will get blonder in the
The most important thing is that
you are her Daddy and you will love and protect her...
A fathers love is the basis for all
future loves.You are in effect teaching her what love is and that
love feels warm, safe and respected...
I understand, what You mean.
When I was pregnant with Susanna, I hoped, that my daughter will be brunette, same as me.
Turned out that she is blue-eyed blond. And now Iam affraid of her hair might change the color and grow brown...
It is so strange, how can my child be blond?:)))
But my boy was quite blond as well, and now he`s allmost brown-haired. He`s 5.
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